
We’re excited to learn how we can work together.

Business Development

Mailing Address

Puyenpa Services, LLC
P.O. Box 140045
Duckwater, NV 89314

T: 775-400-2366
[email protected]

Areas of Focus

Digital Tech + Cyber
Michael White
[email protected]

Infrastructure Tech + Physical Security
Aaron Reale
[email protected]

Jeff Albertson
[email protected]

Human Resources

HR Director
Kim Ferullo
T: 571-539-7310
E: [email protected]

For employment verification, assistance applying for a position or general inquiries please email [email protected].

Horizontal Voice & Data Cabing for Raven Rock Mountain Complex (RMMC)


Contract #: HHSP233201800032C
Amount: $12.6M / FFP
Period of Performance: 9/2018 – 5/2019

Air Combat Command’s mission is to support global implementation of national security strategy. ACC operates fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, battle-management, and electronic-combat aircraft. It also provides command, control, communications and intelligence systems, and conducts global information operations.

Puyenpa was responsible for providing the Air Combat Command with the Command Control Communications design, equipment specifications, equipment layout, network connectivity, integration and training. Puyenpa furnished all materials, labor, equipment, facilities and transportation necessary to construct secure Audio Visual (AV) Systems in strict accordance with this design. The basis of Design was modeled on the Everts solution set commonly used in industry. The totality of the design and integrated solution include and cover Operations AV System, Non-Operations AV System and Training.

Horizontal Voice & Data Cabing for Raven Rock Mountain Complex (RMMC)


Contract #: HQ003421C0096
Amount: $24.5M / FFP
Period of Performance: 9/2021 – 7/2025

Puyenpa as a Prime Contractor provided design-build services for the Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling project located at
Raven Rock Mountain Complex (RRMC). The existing telecommunications networks and infrastructure was beyond its serviceable life; therefore, RRMC required new and upgraded horizontal and backbone cable distribution infrastructure and
the subsequent replacement of all IT networks, telephone, CATV/CCTV and all other telecommunication system-cabling (all Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Layer 1) present within the facility. Puyenpa provided a design to upgrade the backbone support structure, cable and cable management from the existing telecommunications rooms (TRs) to the equipment rooms (ERs). The project also included the design of all horizontal cabling and cable support structures (cable tray, j-hooks etc.) from all work area outlets (WAOs) to the IT services through the TRs to the ERs, inclusive of all patch panels, horizontal cables, connectors, faceplates, support structure, and management, fiber and copper jumpers, to existing switches in the TRs. This project ensured the provisioning of a comprehensive and integrated design using recently constructed TRs within the facility. Puyenpa also included distribution support for a variety of network systems and technologies while also ensuring the proper application of cabling and termination support for multiple technologies.