Professional Services

We provide a robust portfolio of professional services tailored to elevate government operations. Our commitment to excellence, strategic insights, and innovative solutions empower our clients to achieve their objectives with precision and confidence. 

Our Services


  • PMI Certified Staff
  • Earned Value Management (EVM)
  • Continual Service & Process Improvement
  • Portfolio Management
  • Quality Assurance
  • Risk Management
  • Capital Planning & Investment Control (CPIC)
  • CIO Advisory Services
  • Agile Project Management
  • Project Management Office (PMO)
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Change Management
  • Benefits Realization Management (BRM)


541611, 541614, 541618

Get in touch

Mike White – VP of IT & Defense – 321.888.1584
Brandon Alexander – VP Business Development – 443.277.2271
Sujith Kalapala – Program Manager – 240.893.1223


  • Secure Infrastructure
  • Intelligent PDS
  • Optical LAN
  • Wireless Networking
  • Outside Plant
  • FTTH (Fiber to the Home)


517111, 517810,238210

Get in touch

Aaron Reale – VP Enterprise IT – 703.975.8777
Brandon Alexander – VP Business Development – 443.277.2271

Past Performance

Horizontal Voice & Data Cabing for Raven Rock Mountain Complex (RRMC)

Contract #: W91QEX21C0005
Amount: $24.5M

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) – Physical Security Installation Services

Contract #: 75040119D000001
Amount: $16M / (base + 4 option years)

Information Technology Support Services (ITSS) for the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

Contract #: NLRB6317D0001
Amount: $22M / IDIQ Task Order

Horizontal Voice & Data Cabing for Raven Rock Mountain Complex (RMMC)


Contract #: HQ003421C0096
Amount: $24.5M / FFP
Period of Performance: 9/2021 – 7/2025

Puyenpa as a Prime Contractor provided design-build services for the Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling project located at
Raven Rock Mountain Complex (RRMC). The existing telecommunications networks and infrastructure was beyond its serviceable life; therefore, RRMC required new and upgraded horizontal and backbone cable distribution infrastructure and
the subsequent replacement of all IT networks, telephone, CATV/CCTV and all other telecommunication system-cabling (all Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Layer 1) present within the facility. Puyenpa provided a design to upgrade the backbone support structure, cable and cable management from the existing telecommunications rooms (TRs) to the equipment rooms (ERs). The project also included the design of all horizontal cabling and cable support structures (cable tray, j-hooks etc.) from all work area outlets (WAOs) to the IT services through the TRs to the ERs, inclusive of all patch panels, horizontal cables, connectors, faceplates, support structure, and management, fiber and copper jumpers, to existing switches in the TRs. This project ensured the provisioning of a comprehensive and integrated design using recently constructed TRs within the facility. Puyenpa also included distribution support for a variety of network systems and technologies while also ensuring the proper application of cabling and termination support for multiple technologies.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) - Physical Security Installation Services


Contract #: 75040119D000001
Amount: $16M / IDIQ (base + 4 opt yrs)
Period of Performance: 01/2019 – 04/2024

HHS OIG is establishing a new Physical Security program that will secure OIG leased and federally owned facilities nationwide. OIG maintains office locations in Washington, DC (headquarters), as well as over 80 Field Offices and Regional Offices located in 10 Regions across the United States. The intent of this contract is to install a FICAM compliant Enterprise Physical Access Control System (EPACS) at all sites by the end of FY2024. This will be accomplished by completing approximately 20 sites per year including site surveys, designs, and installations.

Puyenpa is responsible for providing the design, implement, operate, support, and maintain a sustainable nationwide physical access control system (EPACS) comprised of a 1) access control system (ACS), 2) intrusion detection system (IDS), 3) internet protocol video surveillance system (IPVSS). Services include, program management; project management; facilities and IT infrastructure assessments; as-is architecture discovery and functional requirements discovery; site surveys; technology studies and analysis; design and installation of new, upgrade, replacement or retrofit systems; and Pre-Installation Testing and Check-Out (PITCO); master design and work plan documents; other planning processes and documentation; coordination; procurement; implementation of work plans; testing & commissioning; end user training; as-built documentation and project close out.

Information Technology Support Services (ITSS) for the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

Contract Number: NLRB6317D0001
Contract Amount:
$22M / IDIQ Task Order
Period of Performance:
3/2017 – 9/2023

Puyenpa provided the following specialized support to the OCIO on this contract:

Program and Project Management: Puyenpa provided project leadership and communications with stakeholders; project planning and scheduling; project management, including performance monitoring and measurement; reporting and documentation associated with project/program objectives; stakeholder briefings, participation in required meetings, and related project support services; governance and strategy development and implementation; performance measure development, analysis, reporting; policy and procedures development to support new and revised processes; facilitation, simulation, and training services; and communications and change management support.

IT Operations and Maintenance: Scope of work includes maintenance of IT systems, including all software and hardware associated with client/server, web-based applications, cloud services and networking, keeping IT systems viable with supported vendor releases or off-the-shelf applications software upgrades. Operations and maintenance on IT systems.

Architecture & Engineering of systems to mitigate the risk of mission failures; to improve data security and disaster recovery capabilities; reduce unnecessarily high operating costs required today to sustain systems software; improve user experiences and prepare the systems for future commercial and government cloud migrations when directed.Software Development & Systems Integration: Design, develop, configure and implement customized software applications, databases, and other solutions that are: a) not available in off-the-shelf modular software applications; b) commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) applications; or c) government provided shared service applications or government off-the-shelf (GOTS) applications.

Horizontal Voice & Data Cabing for Raven Rock Mountain Complex (RMMC)


Contract #: HHSP233201800032C
Amount: $12.6M / FFP
Period of Performance: 9/2018 – 5/2019

Air Combat Command’s mission is to support global implementation of national security strategy. ACC operates fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, battle-management, and electronic-combat aircraft. It also provides command, control, communications and intelligence systems, and conducts global information operations.

Puyenpa was responsible for providing the Air Combat Command with the Command Control Communications design, equipment specifications, equipment layout, network connectivity, integration and training. Puyenpa furnished all materials, labor, equipment, facilities and transportation necessary to construct secure Audio Visual (AV) Systems in strict accordance with this design. The basis of Design was modeled on the Everts solution set commonly used in industry. The totality of the design and integrated solution include and cover Operations AV System, Non-Operations AV System and Training.